What You Get With Secure+ Managed Services
With Secure+ Managed Services you are getting in on our entry level al a carte plan. This plan does have some minimum requirements to get you going. You are required to have your server monitored, you are required to have a third party email security software in place or use one of our preferred email security providers, you are required to use our endpoint protection security suite on all network computers. Now that we got that part out of the way Secure + is fully customizable to include as many additional options as you can think of. With Secure+ we will secure your network to provide you with piece of mind that you have the best security services in place being monitored by Computer Central. So what we do on the back end is implement security solutions to prevent cyber attacks against your business. As part of our toolset we have a portal that we log in to that gives us a bird’s eye view of your entire computer network with access to see where attacks were attempted and how well our security software has kept your company protected. We pride ourselves on having great customer retention here at Computer Central. Our average client has been working with us for over 5+ years.
Available options
- Server Monitoring (Required)
- Endpoint Protection (Required)
- Networking Equipment Monitoring (Required)
- Offsite Backup
- Microsoft 365 Services
- Microsoft 365 Administration
- Backup Management
- Password Management
- Onsite Support Packages
- Remote Support Packages
- Consulting Services
- Identity Monitoring